calcium carbonate

[ˈkælsiəm ˈkɑ:bəneit]
  • 释义
  • 碳酸钙;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The surface modification of ultrafine calcium carbonate was made by using aluminium zirconium coupling agent.


  • 2、

    Algerian plant formerly burned to obtain calcium carbonate.


  • 3、

    Under modern conditions, many deep, cold waters are acidic enough to dissolve calcium carbonate shells.

    在目前的情况下, 许多海洋深层冷水的酸度足以溶解碳酸钙外壳,这种情形称为[不饱和].

  • 4、

    Sodium, sulfate, magnesium, calcium, carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, and boron should be determined in a water anylasis.

    水质分析要测定钠 、 硫 、 镁 、 钙 、 碳酸盐 、 重碳酸盐 、 氯和硼的含量.

  • 5、

    The method to observe the precipitated calcium carbonate crystal with optical microscope is simple and direct.


  • 6、

    Pigments have clay ( white clay ), calcium carbonate , sand , small white , aluminum hydroxide and titanium dioxide.

    颜料有白土 ( 白色黏土 ) 、 碳酸钙 、 沙丁白 、 氢氧化铝、二氧化钛和塑料颜料等.

  • 7、

    Limestone is rock composed of calcium carbonate.


  • 8、

    The characterization of modified calcium carbonate by oil absorption ratio was introduced.


  • 9、

    A new solid base catalyst of calcium methoxide calcium carbonate as the starting material.


  • 10、

    Moreover, the composition of the ash contents was found to be mainly calcium carbonate.

    进一步的分析表明, 灰分的主要成分为碳酸钙.

  • 11、

    It can prevent scale formation, calcium carbonate in particular, in water system.

    可阻止水中成垢盐类形成水垢, 特别是碳酸钙垢的形成.

  • 12、

    At present mainly uses the union system alkaline process production calcium carbonate soda ash.


  • 13、

    As an important inorganic chemicals, calcium carbonate with different shapes and crystal polymorphs has different usages.

    碳酸钙是一种重要的无机化工产品, 不同晶型、形态的碳酸钙有着不同的用途.

  • 14、

    Shanghai Shenya Calcium Carbonate Factory register in Shanghai Pudong Area Jinqiao development area Jinming.


  • 15、

    The characterization of activated calcium carbonate by the rate of suspension in water was studied.


  • 16、

    This technology changes the ore magnesium, calcium carbonate and fertilizer through calcination, separation, carbonization and roasting.

    该工艺将矿石通过煅烧 、 分离 、 碳化、焙烧等过程,加工成镁 、 碳酸钙和复合肥.

  • 17、

    The carbonate from calcium carbonate, if not remoyed by calcining may cause foaming in the reactors.

    碳酸钙中存在的碳酸根, 如果不经煅烧除去,会在反应槽中引起泡沫生成.

  • 18、

    It is hopeful for calcium carbonate whisker to be applied in covering material industry.


  • 19、

    The surface of nanometer calcium carbonate powder was modified with resin and stearic acid.


  • 20、

    The coupling agents wereto rubbers filled with silica, clay and calcium carbonate respectively and were tested.

    考察了不同用量偶联剂与无机填料(白炭黑 、 陶土、轻质碳酸钙)的配合对胶料的共补强效果.

  • 21、

    The main component of limestone is calcium carbonate.


  • 22、

    The kinetics of precipitation of calcium carbonate solutions implied that the magnetic effect attributable both to.


  • 23、

    The principle and method for surface modification of calcium carbonate with titanate coupling agent is described.


  • 24、

    Its main products include calcium carbonate superfine powder, light & heavy calcium and modify.

    公司主要产品有纳米活性碳酸钙、超细微有机碳酸钙 、 轻钙 、 重钙等.

  • 25、

    Precipitated calcium carbonate is a good paper filler , the filler retention rate improve after modification.

    轻质碳酸钙是良好的造纸填料, 通过改性可有效提高其留着率.
